Friday 14 October 2011

Weigh in result

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, little miss is teething and wouldn't settle so never got round to it.

Unfortuntely I gained half a pound this week.  I can only put it down to using more syns (but within the allowance), not going swimming, baby yoga being cancelled and star week.

This week I am keeping a food diary as well as following my meal plan and hopefully it will help me keep a better track of things.

Anyway onwards and downwards I shall go.

Here are some examples of my meals over the last week.


I am currently working on my meal plan for next week (did I add last weeks?) so that I can get the shopping ordered for delivery Sunday.  I have planned all my lunches and am working on breakfast and tea, I always get stuck on my tea as its at the end of the day when I am tired so just want something quick and easy without too much hassle.  I do then find I will have convience foods which I am trying not to have (however I always have things like mugshots and savoury rice in just in case!).  I think I need to invest in some more containers and some freezer proof labels as I never remember what things are, so I can ensure I have more meals in the freezer.

Anyway time for little miss to have a nap and for me to hang the nappies out to dry.

Friday 7 October 2011


Just had to share my yummy yummy lunch first.  Today was meant to be jacket potato as we usually go swimming on a friday.  However we are having a week off this week so our lunch changed slightly.  We ended up having mash, beans, fried onions and I had veggie burger - the mr had sausages.  It was so yummy - I haven't had fried onions in ages so it made a nice change.

I also wanted to share this story.  My consultant read it out a few weeks ago at group and someone recently posted it on facebook (I had search for ages to find it but never managed to find it).


Ivy was really disappointed this week having maintained after ‘such a good week’. She couldn’t understand - her Food Diary was perfect! Ten syns per day… maximum! Let’s take a closer look...

We start off with Friday (the day after weigh-in, which does count, unlike the night of group which is known as ‘treat night!’). Forgetting the big cheese sandwich, the large glass of wine and the piece of cake from the night before, Ivy gets up in fine fettle, really focussed on the week ahead!

So how does the rest of her day go?

Ivy has her normal breakfast of branflakes, milk and a banana. She tips them into the bowl, and then thinks. ‘I’d better just check the weight of them - I want to get a few pounds off this week!’. She puts them on the scales to find they weigh 1.5oz. ‘That’s my first Healthy Extra B choice,’ she thinks, taking out the excess and unconsciously popping them in her mouth.

As she puts the milk away she spots an open carton of orange juice and decides to have a small glass whilst making a boiled egg for her daughter’s breakfast. When clearing up the dishes, Ivy spies two left over soldiers. ‘I can’t remember the last time I had REAL butter!’ she thinks, and into her mouth they go!

After breakfast it’s a trip into town shopping. Armed with a Hi-fi Bar, just in case temptation strikes, she sets off.

In Woolworths, her daughter gets restless in the buggy and Ivy opens her a packet of crisps to keep her quiet. And she ends up testing a couple herself – just for freshness!

Lunchtime comes and the shopping trip is not done yet - there’s still money left on Ivy’s credit card! And as she knows she’ll be a while she decides to grab something from Marks and Spencer’s healthy count on us range as ‘it’s bound to be low on Syns!’

Spoilt for choice, Ivy scans the range. She’s already decided to go ‘Original’ today and spots a Hoisin duck sandwich. ‘That’s a great choice… the bread will be my second Healthy Extra B choice!’ she thinks. She buys it as a meal deal, along with a diet coke and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps - to eat later.

Later on, Starbucks beckons and Ivy stops for a coffee. ‘No cake for me though!’ she say, savouring the skinny latte she’s treated herself to thanks to her second Healthy A choice! – there’s no syrup of course! As she takes the weight off her feet she congratulates herself for not needing the ‘emergency Hi-fi’ whilst out today.

Back at home after shopping, she makes cakes with her daughter. She resists the fairy cakes when they come out of the oven….. but CAN’T resist licking the wooden spoon!!

She feeds her daughter early – a chicken nugget and two chips remain on the plate – and they don’t go in the bin!!

Dinnertime comes – a nice juicy steak, fresh salad and a filling jacket potato. She weighs her 8oz jacket potato which is a Healthy B choice and puts a spoonful of Quark in it. A tablespoon of Hellman’s Light Mayo goes on the salad – ‘only 2.5 Syns! she says, ‘my first today!’

Her hubby prefers mashed potato with his. She wouldn’t dream of eating that it herself, but she does just taste it to check it contains the right amount of butter and milk!

Dessert for Ivy is a Müller Light yoghurt. Hubby has sponge pudding and custard. ‘It just doesn’t bother me,’ Ivy says, licking the spoon she used to stir the custard!

By 9.30pm Ivy fancies a ‘little something else’. Remembering the crisps she picked up with the meal deal, she checks the Syn value and finds they’re only 7 Syns. ‘Only 9.5 Syns today’ she thinks, ‘that’s a perfect day!’

..or was it?!!!!

How did YOU feel the day went? How many Syns do they think Ivy really had?

Let’s see….

The actual amount is 76.5 syns!!

The breakdown:

0.5 oz branflakes 2.5 Syns
Orange juice 125ml 2.5 Syns
Eggy soldiers 4 Syns
Couple of crisps 1 Syn
Sandwich 12.5 Syns (6 syns can be deducted if using bread as Healthy B)
Latte 8.5 Syns (Grande from Starbucks)
Cake mixture 4 Syns
Jacket potato 16 Syns (healthy B already used which she forgot!) (2 syns per oz)
Mayo 7.5 Syns (it was a heaped tablespoon not level!)
Chicken nugget 3 Syns
2 chips 3 Syns
Spoonful of Mash 3 Syns
Spoonful of custard 2 Syns
Packet of crisps 7 Syns

And that’s not even counting the extra 40 plus Syns from the night before! And there are still six more days to go!

Just to put this into perspective, those 76.5 Syns are the equivalent of; an average portion of Chicken Tikka Masala, Pilau rice, 1 naan bread, two pints of beer, and two small vegetable samosas! We’d all know if we ate that!

The Moral of the story…. Don’t forget all those hidden Syns…. enjoy!

Thursday 6 October 2011

Maggi so juicy

Today for lunch we tried the Maggi so juicy sweet and sour for chicken and to be honest it wasn't that good.  It didn't taste of sweet and sour at all.  I had heard good things about these but was very disappointed.  I had it on top of stir fry veg (which the mr added a bit too much soy sauce for my liking and it made it look very dark!)

This is one thing I won't be buying again, not sure whether to dry some other flavours or forget it.  I guess we will see.

On a food note my tea last night, roasted veggies.  I did take a photo but was too tired last night to sort out my camera and upload so here it is.

Roasted veggies are a favourite in my house, even little miss gives them a go.  I often just have a plate of roasted veg on nights when I haven't had a cooked lunch or when I have weigh in.  I find it is a neutral tea that does use any syns or HE and is very filling.  It is also a meal that the mr can prepare without worry about what day I am on, HE's or syns.

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Tonight was my weigh in, I lost 1lb.  I have been having small loses/maintains and even gains the past month and I think I need to do something to get my body shifting the weight.  I am thinking about increasing my body magic this week.  However I am a bit wary of doing to much at the moment as my pelvis has been really painful since baby yoga yesterday (I suffered with spd during pregnancy).

Todays food has been good - had 13 syns which for me is quite a lot.  Breakfast was porridge with raisins, a small apple, a plum and a banana.  I had a lovely lunch of spinach and ricotta canneloni which little miss also seemed to really enjoy.  For my tea I have had roasted veggies, velvet crunch (4 syns), hifi bar light (3 syns), a banana and some fat free onken mango and apple yogurt.  I think tonight I have been eating for the sake of it.  I really need to stop doing this as it is not good for me.  This might also be hindering my weight loss.

My goals for this week:
Once my pelvis has settled to get back to using my wii
Go swimming on Friday
Go out for walks with little miss

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Meal Plan 2/10/11 - 8/10/11

Click on the pic to enlarge

This week is a fully Green week.  Monday and Wednesday are missing a HEb, these will be used for snacks.  Also some days don't have many syns - again these will be used for snacks or little extras.

I was going to make this post a bit longer but little miss has just woken up.

The start of the blog

I have decided to start this blog to document the rest of my journey on Slimming World.  I tend to take the scenic route when it comes to weight loss.  Since 2006 I have lost 5 stone (I have spent more time off plan than on plan and have had a baby in that time), 2 stone of that has been in this leg of the journey.  I mainly do Green days with the odd Extra Easy thrown in.

So a little about me, my name is Sian, I am 27 and live with my boyfriend and our 8 month old daughter.  I live in Suffolk, England.

Anyway back to the purpose of this blog, I plan to post meal plans, recipes, new products etc.  I will also be posting updates after my weigh ins.  I weigh in wednesday evenings so will aim to update on when I get back.